First Class Courier (FCC) is a delivery company that serves the professional business community. We also provide integrated solutions including transportation, warehouse storage, customs brokerage, freight forwarding, removals services, fairs and exhibitions, Courier and Post Parcels Services.


We are committed to providing the best possible delivery service to our customers globally at competitive prices.


We offer a wide range of services including:

 60min.-All day general deliveries

 Medical deliveries

 Legal courier-filings, research, copies & subpoenas

 Bank Courier

 Late P/U and Nationwide next morning deliveries

 Bulk Pricing

 Route Pricing

 Driver/Vehicle Rental.

 Security Service


Deliver your promises and avoid damaging your reputation within this small close-knit community of experts. Consistently being able to deliver on the business you have bid for with your customers, will position you as the partner of choice. Deliver your promise to Management to secure future business with a much lower acquisition cost through positive word-of-mouth.